Holiday Club
Holiday Club
This service is available to children from the term that they turn three, for a further twelve weeks of the year. The school provides supervision between the hours of 08.30 and 17.00 on either a daily or weekly basis.
This service is available to children from the term that they turn three, for a further twelve weeks of the year. The school provides supervision between the hours of 08.30 and 17.00 on either a daily or weekly basis.
Use of the holiday club has to be pre-booked.
Use of the holiday club has to be pre-booked.
Bookings made for the Holiday Club are chargeable whether attended or not. The charges are £100.00 per week or £25.00 per day.
Bookings made for the Holiday Club are chargeable whether attended or not. The charges are £100.00 per week or £25.00 per day.